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The Shining Ideology Explained

 The Shining is a physcological horror thriller film  directed by Legendary Director Stanely Kubrick .It is based on famous novelist Stephen King's novel by the same name .It was released in 1981.Initially it generated lukewarm response from critics and audience but gained a cult classic in the years after release. Why The Shining has become a cult classic and a masterpiece even after 40 years of its release:- The Shining is somewhat regarded as a horror film but it is more of a physcological thriller film  with shades of horror in it.Stanley Kubrick the director filmed it in 400 days with as much as 200 takes of several scenes as he wanted to show the real horror and anxiety a person faces and the minimal use of jumpcuts which is the normal template in most of the horror films and physcological horror is the best sub genre of horror films because scaring with jump scares is easy as compared to creating settings and situations which cause tension and anxiety in the mind o...

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